This page last changed on Oct 26, 2007 by mbruozas.
UDL Plant Pre-test (3-4)
Introduction - What do plants eat?
UDL Plant Introduction (3-4)
1) Why do plants look the way they do? Watch it grow!
Terms: Roots, Stems, Leaves, Food, structure, function
Computer: Observe Plants growing (time lapse) and the plant parts model
Defining Picture - Generic Plant (Flower box)
UDL Plant Act 1 - Parts of a Plant
2) Why do plants have stems, roots and leaves? Stems, roots & leaves
Terms: Roots, root hairs, stems, leaves, stomata, chloroplasts, chlorophyll
Activity: Dissection/Observation of parts of a plant (leaf, roots and stem)
Defining Picture - three kids investigating plants on a table (clip art)
UDL Plant Act 2
3) Can plants survive without water and sunlight? Water and sunlight
Terms: Hypothesis, data, survive, sunlight and water
Lab: Something to do with water and sunlight using a light probe
Defining Picture - girl watering plants (clip art)
UDL Plant Act 3
4)Do plants eat? The factory
Terms: photosynthesis, leaves, stems, roots, sunlight, air, water and food.
Computer: Food-O-meter
Defining Picture - Kids observing garden growing.
UDL Plant Act 4
Math activity Graph it growing!
Students can graph the data they collected from "Can plants survive without water and sunlight?"
Change 8/17/07 - Carolyn is going to do the math activity. Act 3 is going to focus on sunlight and a probe and the math activity is going to focus on water and growing plants. Bar activity
UDL Plant Math Activity
Reading activity
[Suggestion - go with professor Green and a team of green team students. They are looking for clues to answer the question - do plants eat?]
UDL Plant 3-4 Wrap Up
UDL Plant Post-test (3-4)
Grades 5-6
UDL Plant Pre\-test \(5\-6\)
Introduction - What do plants eat?
UDL Plant Introduction (5-6)
1) How do plants make their own food?
Activity: Modified Plant Game
UDL 5-6 Plant Act 1
2) Why are plants green?
Terms: Chlorophyll, chloroplasts
Computer: NL Macro Model
seeing things move into the chloroplasts
UDL 5-6 Plant Act 2
3) What happens inside a chloroplast?
Terms: sugar,
Computer: NL Micro Model
seeing sugar being produced and day and night
UDL 5-6 Plant Act 3
4) How do we know this is happening? (Not sure if I like this question - this will change)
Relative Humidity Lab from TEEMS
9-27-07 we are going with the relative humidity lab modified from TEEMS (possibly add a light sensor)
UDL 5-6 Plant Act 4
Math activity - line graph
Reading activity
5-6 plant story as of 9-27-07
UDL Plant post test \(5\-6\)